You know all those bonus miles, free travels, points and all that kind of stuff various credit card companies offer? Wouldn’t it be great if you could manage them in a reasonable way so that you can get yourself some free trips as quickly as possible? Well, now there’s a way to do that! Travel Freely has developed a great system that will help you manage your travel reward cards and the best offers efficiently and without any hassle at all.
Within just three months from signing up, you could very well be on your way to some spectacular destination for next to nothing or even completely free of charge! More than 1500 USD can be earned this way in your first year alone. You’re no travel lover if this hasn’t sparked your interest, so read on and learn all about Travel Freely and the service they provide (Quick tip: If you’re traveling in the next month and want some immediate free travel, check out the Capital One Venture card. You can use the card to pay for travel now. Then earn your sign-up bonus over 3 months. Once your bonus miles hit your account, you can erase $500+ in travel purchases from your trip!).
What is Travel Freely?
What is Travel Freely, anyway? Well, it’s a website, started by Zac Hood, whose purpose is to help you find the best deals when it comes to travel rewards and help you organize everything so that you don’t have to waste too much time and money getting the points. Through its app, Travel Freely will recommend the best credit cards for you, remind you not to miss a bonus deadline, deal with annual fees and give you suggestions when to get a new credit card so that you can maximize your bonus potential.
In short, everything you would have to research and calculate yourself will be delivered to you in the form of a simple e-mail. About 90% of everything the site does is automated, and you only have to make a decision when the time comes to act. Travel Freely has you covered even there, with loads of tools to help you with your decision-making process. It’s all thanks to CardGenie, which is the topic of the following paragraph.

What is CardGenie and how does it work?
CadGenie is actually what makes Travel Freely stand out. It is a piece of software designed to recommend the best credit card for you and provide other relevant information. The way it works is actually very simple – when creating your account, you will input several parameters like your level of experience with this kind of program (beginner or expert), set your goals and estimate the amount of money you spend every month.
Based on that, CardGenie will recommend the best credit cards to you, so if you are a complete beginner and have none of your own, this is a great way to choose the perfect credit card. It is very easy to filter out what you’re looking for and then make your decision and start collecting bonus points. Once you choose your card, the app will keep track of the bonus deadlines and stuff like that for you and notify you when the time is right.
Improving your credit score with Travel Freely
You may have noticed by now that everything here revolves around CREDIT cards, not DEBIT cards. This is where all the rewards are, so it makes sense to focus on them. In fact, a great benefit of using the Travel Freely app is that your credit score will most likely improve. As a matter of fact, the website states that almost all of its users have benefited from this. The reason is actually very simple: to get all the bonuses, you have to make your payments on time. The app helps out a whole lot with that regardless of how many credit cards you have and how often you’re getting new ones. In the end, this will reflect on your credit score in a positive way. Not bad, huh?
However, there is a caveat you need to be aware of. Everything here is meant to be used with US credit cards only. In other words, the system will only work for US residents.

Travel Freely business cards
One last big advantage of using Travel Freely that has to be mentioned in this article is the amount of benefits business owners can get from it. And the size of your business doesn’t matter! The website contains lists of best offers for business credit cards and other great deals you can get, so all you have to do is make your choice.
You can even get a detailed guide by e-mail if you want to learn all about how your business can help you get free trips, but the bottom line is that if you have a healthy business and you make your payments on time, you can simply do everything via a high-value credit card and rack in those bonus points. Running a business can be stressful, so you deserve a break. Get one in less than a year!
Is Travel Freely free?
That’s the best thing about Travel Freely – it’s completely free. The app, the system, the huge amount of tips and additional materials that can be accessed once you create your account, all of that will cost you absolutely nothing. Considering the app does almost all of the work, that’s a spectacular deal. If you want to support Travel Freely, just sign up for your credit cards by using the links they provide on their website and that’s pretty much all there is to it. Remember, with this system you can get more than 1,500 US dollars in free travel just in your first year, but you can expect travel opportunities to find you in about six months after you sign up. One free trip to other continents per year sounds pretty good, doesn’t it?
Signing up with them and using the website is actually quite easy, so you don’t have to worry about getting lost in heaps of financial jargon or something like that. In fact, here’s a short overview of the most important steps you need to make to get started.

How to become a Travel Freely member?
As mentioned, everything here is free, so creating a profile on this website won’t cost you anything, either. To initiate the process, simply click the Sign Up button in the upper right corner and input your e-mail address and password. You can even use your Google account for this, but either way, you will receive a confirmation e-mail shortly after this step. Click on the link in it and your profile will become active.
There is no need to download anything – all you have to do is follow the seven steps that will be listed in front of you when you first log into your account (they can also be found in the Beginners Start Here section). The steps are as follows:
STEP 1: Adding cards – here you will add your credit cards to your account, which is the basis of how the system works. This allows Travel Freely to be on the lookout for the best deals for you. If you don’t have a card yet, you should start from step 5.
STEP 2: Choose your goals – by deciding what you want to achieve this way and where you want to travel you will stay motivated and stick to the most efficient spending routine.
STEP 3: Monitor your credit score – keep an eye on the credit score and you will see that the system is working.
STEP 4: Plan ahead – if you know how much you will be spending each month on things like utilities, food etc. this can immediately give you an idea of the bonus you can expect without any extra spending. Having this kind of info can help out a lot.
STEP 5: Get your card – If you don’t have a credit card, this is where you should start, but even if you do, you can always get a new one for your spouse or grab one which has a great bonus to go along with it. Check the recommendations in your profile (the CardGenie Recommendations tab) and pick the one that suits you best. You will also be supporting the site this way.
STEP 6: Work towards the bonus – the best strategy is to use one card as much as you can in order to rack up your bonus points as quickly as possible.
STEP 7: Travel! – congratulations, you have reached the prize you wanted. Have a nice trip!
As you can see, the whole concept is very simple, plus the website has helpful instruction videos for every step. Some of the steps are optional, but for the best results, it is highly recommended that you complete everything and in about a year’s time you will be able to get to your dream destination. Sign up today and let your credit cards and Travel Freely do all the heavy lifting! Then all you have to do is enjoy it.