Dear fellow travelers and travel bloggers!
We’re happy to announce that we’re starting to accept guest posts. We’re doing our best to make this site the ultimate travel source for those who don’t have more than 24 hours on a certain destination.
The goal is to cover as many destinations as possible and you can help us achieve that goal. All you need to do is to write a One Day Itinerary for a destination of your choice. We would be more than happy to present you as a travel blogger on our site, link to your blog as well as sharing your post all over the social media.
Check out some of the greatest examples of Guest Posts on our page: Jennifer Mims did a great post about Cartagena, Alaine Handa covered the best attractions and activities in Crans Montana and Sarah Crake wrote a really comprehensive itinerary for Colombo.
You want to write a One-Day-Itinerary for us? Please fill up this form!
The itinerary could be for any destination of your choice – either it’s your home town or your favourite destination as long as we haven’t written about it already. Let us know which destination you would like to write about so we make sure we don’t have a duplicate one and we will send you the template as soon as we can.
For the further information, please fill up the CONTACT form or send us a message at [email protected].
If you only want to promote your blog through our page please check out here.
We’re looking forward to our collaboration!
One-day-itinerary team